This Cookie Policy is part of our Privacy Policy and provides detailed information about how and when PointHeads uses cookies. The cookie policy applies to any PointHeads product or service that links to this policy or incorporates it by reference.

A cookie is a small text file placed on a device to uniquely identify the device and any preferences associated with that device.


PointHeads places cookies on a device after the cookie policy is accepted by the user. The user can opt out from the use of cookies by not accepting the cookie policy notification at the bottom of the webpage. Ironically, PointHeads would need to store a cookie on the device to remember a device has opted out of cookies. Rather than storing an “opt-out” cookie, the notice will be minimized while the user remains on the webpage. Upon accepting cookies, a cookie is placed on the device to acknowledge the acceptance.


  • If you want PointHeads to begin storing cookies, simply accept the cookie notice.
  • If you no longer want PointHeads to store cookies, it is best to clear PointHeads cookies via your browser’s settings.


The following cookies may be used after accepting this policy. There are two types of cookies:

  • First-party cookies are stored directly by PointHeads.
  • Third-party cookies are stored by domains external to PointHeads and integrated into the services provided by PointHeads.
Name Category Description
Cookie Acceptance Preferences This first-party cookie is used to record the device’s acceptance of the cookie policy. No other cookies are used unless this cookie is present.
Google Analyics Analytics These third-party cookies are set by Google Analytics on all pages. They are used to distinguish users and sessions in an anonymous form (i.e. no personal data is included). This allows us to make improvements to the site by understanding information such as number of visitors to the site, where visitors come from, and which pages are visited.
Google DoubleClick Marketing These third-party cookies are set by Google on pages containing embedded YouTube videos. These cookies may contain personal data (including IP address and other data previously collected from the user by Google). They report the website user’s actions after viewing or clicking one of the advertiser’s ads with the purpose of measuring the efficacy of an ad and to present targeted ads to the user.
YouTube Marketing These third-party cookies are set by YouTube on pages containing embedded videos. These cookies may contain personal data (including IP address and other data previously collected from the user by Google). They are used by YouTube to personalize the viewing experience based on bandwidth, viewing history and other preferences of the user.